Didactics of virtual higher education: actuality and perspectives.

ISBN: 978-0-3110-0066-1; BIC: YQS


  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in Educational Sciences, mathematics specialist. Accredited researcher by SENESCYT, and member of the editorial team and the arbitration committee of several national and international scientific journals. E-mail: (wortiza@ube.edu.ec) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7323-6589
  • Manuel Roberto Tolozano Benites Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor in Management Science, Doctor Honoris Causa, and Master in Educational and Social Projects Management. Rector of the Bolivarian Technological Institute and the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Accredited researcher by SENESCYT, and member of the editorial team and the arbitration committee of several international scientific journals. E-mail: (rtolozano@ube.edu.ec) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4164-5839
  • Roger Martínez Isaac Bachelor in Primary Education, Master in Higher Education, specialist in Psycho-pedagogical Teaching, Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Teacher and researcher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Invited professor for doctoral training at the Federal Technical University of Paraná, Brazil. E-mail: (rmartinez@ube.edu.ec) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5283-5726
  • Elizabeth Esther Vergel Parejo Doctor in Education, Master in Biology Teaching, Bachelor in Education, specializing in Biology. Research professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. E-mail: (eevergelp@ube.edu.ec) https://orcid.org/0009-0007-0178-5099
  • Arian Vázquez Álvarez Bachelor in Education with a major in Mathematics and Computer Science, Master in Mathematics Teaching, and doctoral candidate in Pedagogical Sciences. Professor of Didactics of Mathematics and Complex Examination Seminar, Bolivarian University of Ecuador. E-mail: (avazqueza@ube.edu.ec) https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8605-491X




virtual education, online education, technology, higher education, higher education


This book explores the essential foundations and emerging practices in the integration of higher education didactics in virtual environments. It focuses on effective instructional design that promotes meaningful interactions and autonomous learning. It addresses how the organization and structuring of instructional content and the appropriate use of educational technologies are crucial to facilitating equitable access. Online assessment and feedback are discussed as essential components for measuring student progress and fostering their continued development. It also examines how educational platforms and digital tools can optimize communication and collaboration between students and teachers. In addition, it provides a comprehensive view of how didactics in virtual education can offer an approach to pedagogical innovation and bridging the digital divide.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Aguilar, W. ., Tolozano Benites, M. R. ., Martínez Isaac, R. ., Vergel Parejo, E. E. ., & Vázquez Álvarez, A. . (2024). Didactics of virtual higher education: actuality and perspectives. : ISBN: 978-0-3110-0066-1; BIC: YQS. Editorial Tecnocintífica Americana, 1–157. https://doi.org/10.51736/eta.vi.91




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