Pedagogical research in higher education: rationale, methods and applications.

ISBN: 978-0-3110-0071-5; BIC: GPS


  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in Educational Sciences, specialist in the area of mathematics. Coordinator of the Master's program in Basic Education at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, and professor of mathematics at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tutor of several undergraduate theses, master's theses and projects related to knowledge management. He has systematically socialized his research results in national and international events, and in several scientific publications (books and high impact articles). He is an accredited researcher by SENESCYT, has a patent granted by the National Directorate of Copyright and Related Rights of Ecuador, as well as multiple recognitions and awards for his research work. He is a member of the editorial team and arbitration committee of several national and international scientific journals.
  • Rosangela Caicedo Quiroz Doctor in Medicine. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences from the Universidad de Oriente Santiago de Cuba. Vice Rector of Research and Social Outreach at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. She has carried out research and collaborations in the pedagogical, municipal and community areas. Speaker in several national and international events.
  • Manuel Roberto Tolozano Benites PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, PhD in Management Science, Doctor Honoris Causa, Master in Management of Educational and Social Projects. Rector of the Bolivarian Technological Institute and the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. He has systematically socialized his research results in national and international events, and in several scientific publications, such as books and high impact articles. He is an accredited researcher by SENESCYT, has multiple awards and prizes for his research and educational work. He is a member of the editorial team and arbitration committee of several international scientific journals.
  • Elizabeth Esther Vergel Parejo Doctorate in Education. Master in Biology Teaching, Bachelor in Education, specializing in Biology. Expert in didactics of natural sciences, biology, genetics and scientific research. Research teacher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, with extensive professional experience at various educational levels and a broad mastery of various didactic theories and innovative pedagogical components. A teacher with a high capacity for adaptation, open-minded and with an extraordinary commitment to educational work using open, participatory and constructivist methodologies.
  • Elsy Rodríguez Revelo Bachelor of Science in Education with specialization in Social Studies, Master in Evaluation, Planning and Accreditation of Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador- University of Guayaquil, where she has developed research on leadership and teacher training, with a special focus on educational inclusion in Ecuador. Author of several academic publications, focusing on the relationship between public policies and knowledge management in education, as well as on continuous teacher training. Her work has analyzed both theoretical and practical aspects, proposing strategies to improve the professionalization of teachers. In addition, she has participated in international conferences and workshops related to innovation and knowledge transfer, with a particular interest in the promotion of women in STEM areas.



Pedagogical research, higher education, methods


The book Pedagogical Research in Higher Education: Rationale, Methods and Applications arises from the need to address the growing complexity of research in higher education and its impact on teaching practice, especially in a context of rapid technological evolution. The main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations, methods and applications of pedagogical research, with a focus on improving educational quality and teacher professional development. The book employs a literature review method to explore and synthesize the main theoretical and methodological currents in educational research, including the use of technologies and digital tools in data collection and analysis. Theoretical approaches, research designs, and data collection and analysis techniques are examined, as well as contemporary challenges and practical applications.



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2024-09-16 — Updated on 2024-09-16

How to Cite

Ortiz Aguilar, W. ., Caicedo Quiroz, R. ., Tolozano Benites, M. R. ., Vergel Parejo, E. E. ., & Rodríguez Revelo, E. . (2024). Pedagogical research in higher education: rationale, methods and applications. : ISBN: 978-0-3110-0071-5; BIC: GPS. Editorial Tecnocintífica Americana, 1–212.




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